
Market Quality & Competitive Analysis

MARKET QUALITY AND COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS In connection with strategic plans, facility studies, cultural assessments and other planning work, WolfBrown provides a variety of in-depth market analysis services. These services generally take one of several forms: 1) demand analysis, to frame expectations for what levels of demand the market will support in connection with an existing Market Quality & Competitive Analysis

Audience & Visitor Research

AUDIENCE AND VISITOR RESEARCH WolfBrown is a leading provider of qualitative and quantitative market research services to a wide range of cultural organizations. Our studies typically investigate several types of constituent groups, including ticket buyers, donors, prospective customers and other target populations. WolfBrown offers its clients a proprietary resource of survey and interview protocols, as Audience & Visitor Research

Program Design & Evaluation

PROGRAM DESIGN AND EVALUATION With broad, first-hand experience in the nonprofit field, WolfBrown is able to offer an objective, outside perspective that is necessary for effective design and evaluation. Our consultants have provided analyses ranging from complex program design and evaluations for foundations and other nonprofit organizations, to audits of office systems, to assessments of Program Design & Evaluation

Impact Assessment

IMPACT ASSESSMENT With broad, first-hand experience in the nonprofit field, WolfBrown is able to offer an objective, outside perspective that is necessary for effective assessments and evaluations. Our consultants have provided dozens of organizations with just such analyses, ranging from complex program evaluations for foundations and other nonprofit organizations, to audits of office systems, to Impact Assessment


Our goal has always been to understand each organization individually, to recognize potential, to provoke new ways of thinking, to bolster strengths, and offer strategies to address challenges. We work with clients as partners, ensuring wide ownership of the outcomes, and providing a clear blueprint for future action. The links below will guide you to Services

Strategic Planning

STRATEGIC PLANNING WolfBrown consultants have conducted strategic planning processes for organizations of all sizes, in various industries, and at all stages of development. We start with an in-depth analysis of an organization’s competitive environment, its mission, programs, audiences, governance, staffing, funding and financial performance. The results of this research helps stakeholders to identify and address Strategic Planning

Sustainability Planning

SUSTAINABILITY PLANNING WolfBrown helps organizations respond to current realities in the nonprofit sector in the 21st century. The sector, which grown exponentially during the second half of the 20th century, is experiencing stress and new challenges. Increased competition, changes in funding patterns, decreased demand for programs and services, increased costs, and new demands in regulation Sustainability Planning

Merger, Consolidation and Reorganization Planning

MERGER, CONSOLIDATION AND REORGANIZATIONAL PLANNING Can nonprofit organizations work together more effectively? Are there cost savings that can be realized and synergies on which they can capitalize in programming or gaining market share? Should organizations in the same field consider mergers and acquisitions, realizing the same advantages that have been proven in the for-profit sector? Merger, Consolidation and Reorganization Planning