
Organizational Assessment

ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT Conducting assessments requires a combination of observational skill, analytical rigor, field knowledge, independent judgment, practical experience, and flexibility. We bring all those attributes to our organizational assessments. In addition, our consultants are able to provide immediate and seamless assistance from assessment directly into strategic planning, drawing on lessons learned and offering expert recommendations Organizational Assessment

Community Cultural Planning

COMMUNITY CULTURAL PLANNING WolfBrown consultants were pioneers in the development of community cultural plans in the 1980s. They have completed plans in communities of all sizes and in all part of the country. The approach varies in each community but generally includes both quantitative and qualitative research, broad public input and dialogue with key stakeholders. Community Cultural Planning

Facility Planning

FACILITY PLANNING WolfBrown consultants provide a full range of facility-related services – feasibility studies, market studies, economic activity projections, program plans and pro forma use schedules, architect selection, staffing and operations plans, capital/operating budgets and follow-up fundraising. Our facility business plans have proven to be on target and on budget and are often utilized in Facility Planning

Financial Analysis & Business Planning

FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AND BUSINESS PLANNING WolfBrown uses innovative tools to help clients gain an understanding of financial realities. Our consultants will assess financial systems and reports, providing recommendations to improve fiscal operations and create more effective reporting formats. We also offer infrastructure recommendations that support sound financial management and comprehensive business plans.

Public Value Audits

PUBLIC VALUE AUDITS Nonprofit arts organizations, by definition, are public benefit entities but also work towards artistic ends. While everyone agrees that financial measures do not represent the real output of non-profit arts organizations, few arts administrators or board members think in terms of “auditing” organizational performance on non-financial outcomes (i.e., benefits created). WolfBrown created Public Value Audits

Sustainability Planning

SUSTAINABILITY PLANNING WolfBrown helps organizations respond to current realities in the nonprofit sector in the 21st century. The sector, which grown exponentially during the second half of the 20th century, is experiencing stress and new challenges. Increased competition, changes in funding patterns, decreased demand for programs and services, increased costs, and new demands in regulation Sustainability Planning

Merger, Consolidation and Reorganization Planning

MERGER, CONSOLIDATION AND REORGANIZATIONAL PLANNING Can nonprofit organizations work together more effectively? Are there cost savings that can be realized and synergies on which they can capitalize in programming or gaining market share? Should organizations in the same field consider mergers and acquisitions, realizing the same advantages that have been proven in the for-profit sector? Merger, Consolidation and Reorganization Planning

Strategic Planning

STRATEGIC PLANNING WolfBrown consultants have conducted strategic planning processes for organizations of all sizes, in various industries, and at all stages of development. We start with an in-depth analysis of an organization’s competitive environment, its mission, programs, audiences, governance, staffing, funding and financial performance. The results of this research helps stakeholders to identify and address Strategic Planning